Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wanna win some $$$

Head over to Ooh La La Mama for your chance to win a gift card to Target.

Can't win if you don't enter!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Crash and Burn

I give up. I so sick and tired of trying to make plans only to have them crash and burn. We were planning a trip to MI, yeah it had to go and rain so now that trip is out. Ugh!!! I was so looking forward to the getaway. I needed it. But, it was par for the course for it not to happen. I should have know that it wouldn't have worked trying to plan it so quickly like we did. Some things began to unravel about a week ago, then something else would show up, then the weather tipped the bowl over this weekend and that was that. I keep hoping for a last minute miracle, but even then it's too late now. Damn it!!! I'm sure we'll go back this summer. But shit fire I wanted to go now. So did the punks. Freaking fracking fu@k a duck. I give up.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

The jolly ole' man makes his appearance tonight! The countdown is almost over, it's down to the hours instead of days now. I still have a few last minute gifts to get that I overlooked last night when I thought I finished up shopping! In just a few hours we start our annual traveling to visit here and there. Dinner with the inlaws tonight, breakfast at grandmothers in the morning, then lunch at my moms. I'm already tired!!!
Here is a pic of the littlest punk with Santa:

Here I am with most of the punks!!! I'm missing punk 12! I wish she would have been there. Oh, she cut her hair off. I don't really like it, but it's her hair. She has to deal with it and man she has some thick thick hair!

Monday, December 15, 2008

A new look for the holidays

I decided to go ahead and change things up here a little. Just to try to get a little Christmas spirit in. I wish it was a simple as clicking a button to do every day things. Need to cook, click. Punks need a bath, click. House needs cleaned, click. Oh it would be so simple and add so much more time to the day.
We may decide to take a trip here soon. I think the kids will actually have the most decision holding power for once. They have mentioned wanted to do snow stuff. Well here in the south, we don't get much if any of the white stuff. So we might head north to MI. But it will come as a sacrifice to them. Less presents, trip to MI, or more presents and stay home. So we shall see what they decide.
In the meantime, I still haven't done any shopping!!! Only 9 days to go. Can we say procrastination??? That's me to a "T".

Friday, December 12, 2008

12 days till d-day

It's only 12 days till Christmas. That means I only have 12 days to buy presents. Yep, you read that right, I have done no shopping at all. Well I have bought 2 gifts. But that's not much when you consider we buy 20+ gifts not including the punks. And the 2 I have bought are for the punks. And I've yet to figure out how we're gonna do that with just me working. I'll find a way. Always have always will.

Hubby is doing good. He says that he has got so much more energy now that he has the pacemaker. He's still on restrictions of not using his arm to give plenty of healing time so he won't pull the leads out and have to re-do all this.

I think the punks are all ready for winter break. But within a couple of days (if that long) we'll be hearing I'm bored. There's nothing to do. Well I won't be I'll be at work...hehehe.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

today's the day

Hubby goes in just a few hours to have his pacemaker put in. He will have to stay overnight in the hospital. He hasn't said a whole lot about being nervous or anything. But I will say that I am probably nervous enough for the both of us. Yeah it's a pretty simple procedure. Just inserted just below the skin not MAJOR surgery. But nevertheless when it evolves any procedure that you are in the hospital for I get nervous. I know that he's got some feelings about it all, but being of the male species I won't hear about it. Not out right anyway. I'll probably have my case jumped a couple of time for no real reason. He'll have a very short fuse and blow up. He'll have attitude, or excuse me he HAS attitude. Already found that out this morning. He sucks as a patient, and I've already told him that. Every time he has had some surgery or procedure done he bites my head off so many times or get so pissy. That I believe is the worst part of it all. Oh well, I'll deal with it. Always have.

Till the next five,

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Inflation strikes yet again

Cost of 12 days of Christmas rises to $86,609!!!

Partridge, $20 (last year: $15) Pear Tree, $200 (last year: $150)
Two Turtle Doves, $55 (last year: $40)
Three French Hens, $30 (last year: $45)
Four Calling Birds (canaries), $600 (last year: same)
Five Gold Rings, $350 (last year: $395)
Six Geese a-Laying, $240 (last year: $360)
Seven Swans a-Swimming, $5,600 (last year: $4,200)
Eight Maids a-Milking, $52 (last year: $47)
Nine Ladies Dancing (per performance), $4,759 (last year: same)
10 Lords a-Leaping (per performance), $4,414 (last year: $4,285)
11 Pipers Piping (per performance), $2,285 (last year: $2,213)
12 Drummers Drumming (per performance), $2,475 (last year: $2,398)

Monday, December 1, 2008

It's that time again

Well it's that time of the year again. Thanksgiving has come and gone. Black Friday is past. Now it's down to the nitty gritty of Christmas. I haven't even started shopping. I don't want to either. I almost tempted to just buy for the kids and no one else. I can't afford it. 10+ nieces and nephews, brothers, sisters, mom's, dad's and grandparents adds up quick!! Now if I didn't have 5 punks to buy for it might be different. But it's not so that's the way it is. They will come first and foremost then if there's extra I'll buy, maybe.
Hubby is off work for the next month and has been off the past month. We learned last week that he is going to have to have a pacemaker. That is scheduled to happen this week. Just in time for the holiday rush. First he fractures his hip, then gets cleared for work and we find out about this. Yep, sounds like the story of my life. If it's not one things it's another. It''s amazing how quick things can change.
Speaking of change I was going to update my blog look for the holidays but decided I don't know enough to hold all my widgets without having to redo them all. So if you do happen to read this your stuck with the colors already shown. I'll try to add a few pictures to add a little holiday cheer to the place.
Oh we have a new family member now. Her name is Pebbles. She is a teacup Chihuahua. She is about 7 weeks old. And let me tell you, if you think you want another baby. Get a puppy and you'll be reminded of the lack of sleep and waking at all hours of the night. But you also get to wake up with a cute little face in yours. She's spoiled just like any other child would be. If I could somehow manage to get the punks to actually let her feet touch the floor that might would help some. And maybe, just maybe she wouldn't be sitting here at my feet whining right now. Luckily no one at work minds that she sleeps under my desk.
We had our first mix of wintery weather today. We had sleet and snow flurries. It was so beautiful. I couldn't believe how hard it would come down at times. Unfortunately our ground and all it too warm and it melted as fast as it fell. But at least it actually did something.
Ok well I guess that's all for now. Catch ya the in the next five.