Oh man, there's been so much going on. Life is like these hurricanes that keep heading into the Gulf of Mexico. My life it about on the same track. Not sure which way it's going until it's too late. This week has just plain sucked. Excuse me.. SUCKED!!! I spend one day at the ER and Urgent care offices with hubby. Damn ER docs didn't do shit but prescribe some pain pills. Urgent care finally gave some kind of diagnosis and more prescriptions. This would be good except for the fact that hubs is being a stubborn male and doesn't want to take the medicines. Ugh! Fine then keep hurting and complaining. Then punk 17 blood sugars was too high for school so she spent the day at work with me. She got a small taste of working. She did good then we get home and her blood starts rising again. So there's got to be something at home she's got stashed that she's getting into. I want to believe her when she says no, but its hard to when things like that keep happening. And if this was enough, hubby got laid off from his job. This is the icing on the cake. I don't know what in the hell we are going to do. Yeah we have a plan, but can't act on it for another month. How are we going to make it another month? I have soccer practices 4 nights a week, plus games fixing to start. Once games start practices will go down, but we'll still be making trips for those. Hubby brought it up that it's usually about this time of the year for him and his jobs. Ugh! It's so dang frustrating. Between life and kids I"m going to go crazy!!!! ****One more person lies to me or yells at me I am not responsible for my actions!!**** Bye now!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Happy Hump Day
Is it Wednesday already??? Where did the week go? Oh yeah I was out of it on Monday and recovering on Tuesday. LOL My procedure went well. No problems so far.
I did miss the first day of soccer practice for little Bug. Hubby got to take her and I think she impressed him. I'm so proud of her. I got to take her today. She did pretty good. I got tickled at her when she was in the goalie position. Then they did a little scrimmage and the ball hit her and she started complaining. Uh, babe, get used to it. It's gonna happen a lot playing soccer. I need to get her ball soon and get outside with her and practice. Does anyone know how to add more time to the day? Ugh, I need it. My oldest, punk 12, practice got rained out yesterday. So hopefully she'll get to practice tomorrow! She's excited for tomorrow.
I just read that one of the blogs I read A LOT is going away. I don't know for how long or if it is going to be permanently, but if you don't mind stop by and say bye: I will miss reading her blog tremendously. http://www.wombattheinnsane.com/
Ok it's about bed time here.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Happy Birthday punk 4

A couple of months ago:

Your five minute break provided by Jen at 4:09 PM 0 your breaks
New school year
Well today was the first day of school for my punks. Hopefully it all went well. I've been worried about punk8 all day. My two started a new school this year. Both were nervous and so way mom, but I kept it hid as well. I did talk to hubby earlier and he said that 8 didn't say much when she got home and seemed pissed. Oh no!!! Now I will worry till I get home. My punk 12 was climbing trees "literally" this morning while waiting on the bus. Can we say nervous energy? Hopefully she didn't crash out during the day. She was worried about finding all her classes (7th grade) because she couldn't find a few at open house. I remember my first time having to change classes. It was a scary experience. And lets face it: Upperclassmen can be assholes!!!!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 4:02 PM 0 your breaks
what's it about? family, new beginnings, punks