Head over to Ooh La La Mama for your chance to win a gift card to Target.
Can't win if you don't enter!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wanna win some $$$
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 11:26 AM 0 your breaks
what's it about? ramblings
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Crash and Burn
I give up. I so sick and tired of trying to make plans only to have them crash and burn. We were planning a trip to MI, yeah it had to go and rain so now that trip is out. Ugh!!! I was so looking forward to the getaway. I needed it. But, it was par for the course for it not to happen. I should have know that it wouldn't have worked trying to plan it so quickly like we did. Some things began to unravel about a week ago, then something else would show up, then the weather tipped the bowl over this weekend and that was that. I keep hoping for a last minute miracle, but even then it's too late now. Damn it!!! I'm sure we'll go back this summer. But shit fire I wanted to go now. So did the punks. Freaking fracking fu@k a duck. I give up.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas
The jolly ole' man makes his appearance tonight! The countdown is almost over, it's down to the hours instead of days now. I still have a few last minute gifts to get that I overlooked last night when I thought I finished up shopping! In just a few hours we start our annual traveling to visit here and there. Dinner with the inlaws tonight, breakfast at grandmothers in the morning, then lunch at my moms. I'm already tired!!!
Here is a pic of the littlest punk with Santa:
Here I am with most of the punks!!! I'm missing punk 12! I wish she would have been there. Oh, she cut her hair off. I don't really like it, but it's her hair. She has to deal with it and man she has some thick thick hair!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 9:56 AM 0 your breaks
Monday, December 15, 2008
A new look for the holidays
I decided to go ahead and change things up here a little. Just to try to get a little Christmas spirit in. I wish it was a simple as clicking a button to do every day things. Need to cook, click. Punks need a bath, click. House needs cleaned, click. Oh it would be so simple and add so much more time to the day.
We may decide to take a trip here soon. I think the kids will actually have the most decision holding power for once. They have mentioned wanted to do snow stuff. Well here in the south, we don't get much if any of the white stuff. So we might head north to MI. But it will come as a sacrifice to them. Less presents, trip to MI, or more presents and stay home. So we shall see what they decide.
In the meantime, I still haven't done any shopping!!! Only 9 days to go. Can we say procrastination??? That's me to a "T".
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 4:07 PM 0 your breaks
what's it about? holidays
Friday, December 12, 2008
12 days till d-day
It's only 12 days till Christmas. That means I only have 12 days to buy presents. Yep, you read that right, I have done no shopping at all. Well I have bought 2 gifts. But that's not much when you consider we buy 20+ gifts not including the punks. And the 2 I have bought are for the punks. And I've yet to figure out how we're gonna do that with just me working. I'll find a way. Always have always will.
Hubby is doing good. He says that he has got so much more energy now that he has the pacemaker. He's still on restrictions of not using his arm to give plenty of healing time so he won't pull the leads out and have to re-do all this.
I think the punks are all ready for winter break. But within a couple of days (if that long) we'll be hearing I'm bored. There's nothing to do. Well I won't be I'll be at work...hehehe.
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 4:31 PM 0 your breaks
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
today's the day
Hubby goes in just a few hours to have his pacemaker put in. He will have to stay overnight in the hospital. He hasn't said a whole lot about being nervous or anything. But I will say that I am probably nervous enough for the both of us. Yeah it's a pretty simple procedure. Just inserted just below the skin not MAJOR surgery. But nevertheless when it evolves any procedure that you are in the hospital for I get nervous. I know that he's got some feelings about it all, but being of the male species I won't hear about it. Not out right anyway. I'll probably have my case jumped a couple of time for no real reason. He'll have a very short fuse and blow up. He'll have attitude, or excuse me he HAS attitude. Already found that out this morning. He sucks as a patient, and I've already told him that. Every time he has had some surgery or procedure done he bites my head off so many times or get so pissy. That I believe is the worst part of it all. Oh well, I'll deal with it. Always have.
Till the next five,
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 9:30 AM 0 your breaks
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Inflation strikes yet again
Cost of 12 days of Christmas rises to $86,609!!!
Partridge, $20 (last year: $15) Pear Tree, $200 (last year: $150)
Two Turtle Doves, $55 (last year: $40)
Three French Hens, $30 (last year: $45)
Four Calling Birds (canaries), $600 (last year: same)
Five Gold Rings, $350 (last year: $395)
Six Geese a-Laying, $240 (last year: $360)
Seven Swans a-Swimming, $5,600 (last year: $4,200)
Eight Maids a-Milking, $52 (last year: $47)
Nine Ladies Dancing (per performance), $4,759 (last year: same)
10 Lords a-Leaping (per performance), $4,414 (last year: $4,285)
11 Pipers Piping (per performance), $2,285 (last year: $2,213)
12 Drummers Drumming (per performance), $2,475 (last year: $2,398)
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 2:58 PM 0 your breaks
Monday, December 1, 2008
It's that time again
Well it's that time of the year again. Thanksgiving has come and gone. Black Friday is past. Now it's down to the nitty gritty of Christmas. I haven't even started shopping. I don't want to either. I almost tempted to just buy for the kids and no one else. I can't afford it. 10+ nieces and nephews, brothers, sisters, mom's, dad's and grandparents adds up quick!! Now if I didn't have 5 punks to buy for it might be different. But it's not so that's the way it is. They will come first and foremost then if there's extra I'll buy, maybe.
Hubby is off work for the next month and has been off the past month. We learned last week that he is going to have to have a pacemaker. That is scheduled to happen this week. Just in time for the holiday rush. First he fractures his hip, then gets cleared for work and we find out about this. Yep, sounds like the story of my life. If it's not one things it's another. It''s amazing how quick things can change.
Speaking of change I was going to update my blog look for the holidays but decided I don't know enough to hold all my widgets without having to redo them all. So if you do happen to read this your stuck with the colors already shown. I'll try to add a few pictures to add a little holiday cheer to the place.
Oh we have a new family member now. Her name is Pebbles. She is a teacup Chihuahua. She is about 7 weeks old. And let me tell you, if you think you want another baby. Get a puppy and you'll be reminded of the lack of sleep and waking at all hours of the night. But you also get to wake up with a cute little face in yours. She's spoiled just like any other child would be. If I could somehow manage to get the punks to actually let her feet touch the floor that might would help some. And maybe, just maybe she wouldn't be sitting here at my feet whining right now. Luckily no one at work minds that she sleeps under my desk.
We had our first mix of wintery weather today. We had sleet and snow flurries. It was so beautiful. I couldn't believe how hard it would come down at times. Unfortunately our ground and all it too warm and it melted as fast as it fell. But at least it actually did something.
Ok well I guess that's all for now. Catch ya the in the next five.
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 3:48 PM 0 your breaks
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Today is the Day

Your five minute break provided by Jen at 1:21 PM 0 your breaks
what's it about? elections, experiences
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
Today is probably one of the most exciting days for the punks, with the exception of Christmas of course. Who wouldn't love getting dressed up in a costume, going to houses & churches, and getting a shit load of candy? I usually get out the the punks at the various stops along the way, but tonight will be different. For the first time in 5 years Hubby will not be accompanying me. So I will be driving and still probably getting out of the van 500 and 50 thousand times. Ugh! This is the part of Halloween I don't like. We don't live in a neighborhood or town that you can walk to do the T-O-T. We have to drive. Hopefully I'll remember to take some pics this year. Forgot to do that last year....bad mommy!!! So what's your plans for Halloween night. Well if you live in Detroit you have a curfew of 6pm if your under 16 I believe. I can't believe people still to that crap. Oh well that's a different post for a different day.
Hope you have a wonderful scary Halloween!!!
Till next time...
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 9:29 AM 0 your breaks
Monday, October 20, 2008
Yep that's it
I think I figured it out. Well at least part of it anyway. Are you confused yet???? The funky post is what I'm referring too. Tomorrow is my b-day. One that I'm not looking forward to at all. Tomorrow I will be 30. I'm not happy about it at all. Yes I'm happy that I'm in good health, still alive to be turning another year older. But not happy about turning another year older. I don't want to leave my twenties. I've had to much fun in these years! A lot has changed in my life in these 10 years. I've went through a divorce and a long term relationship. I've married my soul-mate. I've moved several times. I've given birth to three punks and gained two step-punks. I've gotten a couple of worry lines, several several gray hairs. (Can't tell that now, I took care of that last night!!!) I've traveled to new places. I've experienced new and exciting things. Yes I know there's plenty more to see and do. But it's just something about the twenties for me I guess. What does the next 10 years old in store for me? Will the next 10 still be fun and exciting? Will I have this same problem leaving my thirties? Am I completely and utterly crazy? Ok, don't answer that one. Just think in 10 more years my baby will be a teenager!!! Yikes. Ok now I really have a problem.
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 4:43 PM 2 your breaks
Friday, October 17, 2008
Yep, that's what I'm in. I've tried everything to shake it. Everything is going ok here. Hub's is back working, everyone is well. But I'm in this funk. I'll bite your head off and not think twice about it until about 2 nano seconds later. The smallest things are bugging the shit out of me. I feel like some of the punks are bombarding me with so many damn questions/wants. Want want want then damn it it's not good enough. And the questions: do people not use common sense anymore? Some of the questions ask are so so.... stupid. They won't pertain to anything that we have said or done, more than likely the come out of the blue with no freaking rhyme or reason. Not mentioning any names.... I woke up this morning feeling like shit warmed over. Now I've got that damn mediciney feeling. And still have over an hour of work left. Speaking of work I gotta get back to it!!!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 3:56 PM 0 your breaks
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I'm still alive
Wow, I didn't realize it had been so long since I've been here!! Don't you just love life? Hubby is still unemployed so that make week 4 I believe. But keeping fingers crosses, hopefully he'll hear from a job tomorrow! Work sucks right now. Plain and simple I hate it some days. Two people trying to do the job of 3 or 4 isn't cutting it. Speaking of that today is the last day of the month so I've got to get back to the grind. I'll update more soon!!!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 12:21 PM 0 your breaks
what's it about? life
Friday, September 12, 2008
Hurrican Ike
GO AWAY!!! Simple enough. Why? I don't like paying out the ass for a tank of gas. $3.59 to +$4.00 pgal in the course of hours is a little bit uh um idiotic!!!! Yes the refineries are shutting down for a couple of days. But what about the stuff that already been refined that sitting there? And oil priced dropped today! Imagine that. It seems like every time they drop we rarely see a decrease, but let them rise the least little bit or have a hurricane blowing through the gulf and we're screwed!!! I don't see the reasoning behind all the people going berserk and filling every car they own, filling every extra container they own. This is why we are having a shortage folks! If you would just continue like normal, get gas when you NEED it things would continue to run smoothly. Now if you are an evacuee, FILL YOUR TANK!!! You my friend have the reason to be doing so. Yes, I filled my tank last night. Before I heard any talk of prices rising. And why? Because my little gas light came on, so therefore if I didn't want to be walking the 20+ miles to and from work (with a 4 year old punk), I thought it would be a good idea to fill-er-up! LIKE NORMAL!!!! Just chill people! Hopefully after tonight/tomorrow Texas will still be there. I hope for that damage will be minimal and not "certain death" as I have read online today.
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 3:35 PM 0 your breaks
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
week 2 of.... yeah you know
Well we have embarked on week #2. I believe in the previous post I said something about hubby cleaning and straighting stuff out. HA HA!!!! I think he did pick up 2 pieces of clothing and put them into the correct dirty clothes bin. And no people, I am not joking. I wonder if I made a list if that would help? Uh NO!! Know why, cause he'd hold on to that list until the punks got home and handed it to them. And of course there's not much of a problem with this, except that they only do a half-assed job of their particular job and consider that done. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm no perfectionist by any means, but come on! When you load dishes, take the two seconds to turn around and pick up the pan sitting on the stove less than 2 feet behind you. Oh, sorry there. That will be a different post for a different day. Back to hubs! Still unemployed, no foreseeable employer in the near future, no word on unemployment compensation.
PS: Don't ever do a stupid thing like I did when researching online colleges: which would be putting your phone number out there. I have one freaking one that keeps calling and emailing, you'd think they would get the point!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 2:19 PM 0 your breaks
what's it about? (un)employment, family, life, ramblings
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
week 1 of unemployment
for hubby that is....
Hubby says that since he is "off work" right now that he is going to get things 'round the house straightened out. Oh boy! He's planning on going through stuff and getting rid of a lot of things. I told him that he's done that before but the keep pile is always bigger than the go pile. LOL Isn't that how it usually works? I would really love to get in there and do some deep deep cleaning on the place. All that has been getting done lately is a light surface cleaning. S17 has been helping me out so much in that area. I know she hates doing it, but she is one of the only ones that will do it without too much attitude. I have thanked her several times for cooking dinner while I shuttle punks to soccer practice and all. I hate putting so much on her, but she takes most of it with stride. Yes she can be sneaky as all get out, and yes she will do things that she is absolutely not supposed to do, but I guess it sorta balances out in a weird kind of way.
Got a little of subject there. Anywho, anyone want to take bets on just how much junk we are rid of while hubby is unemployed? Anyone want to guess how many more gray hairs I end up with by the time this is over? Will I be able to handle the stress that comes from cleaning? As long as all my rubber bands hold together I think I'll be ok....LOL
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 9:51 AM 0 your breaks
what's it about? family, life, new beginnings, ramblings
Friday, August 29, 2008
Don't worry...Be happy????
Oh man, there's been so much going on. Life is like these hurricanes that keep heading into the Gulf of Mexico. My life it about on the same track. Not sure which way it's going until it's too late. This week has just plain sucked. Excuse me.. SUCKED!!! I spend one day at the ER and Urgent care offices with hubby. Damn ER docs didn't do shit but prescribe some pain pills. Urgent care finally gave some kind of diagnosis and more prescriptions. This would be good except for the fact that hubs is being a stubborn male and doesn't want to take the medicines. Ugh! Fine then keep hurting and complaining. Then punk 17 blood sugars was too high for school so she spent the day at work with me. She got a small taste of working. She did good then we get home and her blood starts rising again. So there's got to be something at home she's got stashed that she's getting into. I want to believe her when she says no, but its hard to when things like that keep happening. And if this was enough, hubby got laid off from his job. This is the icing on the cake. I don't know what in the hell we are going to do. Yeah we have a plan, but can't act on it for another month. How are we going to make it another month? I have soccer practices 4 nights a week, plus games fixing to start. Once games start practices will go down, but we'll still be making trips for those. Hubby brought it up that it's usually about this time of the year for him and his jobs. Ugh! It's so dang frustrating. Between life and kids I"m going to go crazy!!!! ****One more person lies to me or yells at me I am not responsible for my actions!!**** Bye now!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 8:23 AM 2 your breaks
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Happy Hump Day
Is it Wednesday already??? Where did the week go? Oh yeah I was out of it on Monday and recovering on Tuesday. LOL My procedure went well. No problems so far.
I did miss the first day of soccer practice for little Bug. Hubby got to take her and I think she impressed him. I'm so proud of her. I got to take her today. She did pretty good. I got tickled at her when she was in the goalie position. Then they did a little scrimmage and the ball hit her and she started complaining. Uh, babe, get used to it. It's gonna happen a lot playing soccer. I need to get her ball soon and get outside with her and practice. Does anyone know how to add more time to the day? Ugh, I need it. My oldest, punk 12, practice got rained out yesterday. So hopefully she'll get to practice tomorrow! She's excited for tomorrow.
I just read that one of the blogs I read A LOT is going away. I don't know for how long or if it is going to be permanently, but if you don't mind stop by and say bye: I will miss reading her blog tremendously. http://www.wombattheinnsane.com/
Ok it's about bed time here.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Happy Birthday punk 4

A couple of months ago:

Your five minute break provided by Jen at 4:09 PM 0 your breaks
New school year
Well today was the first day of school for my punks. Hopefully it all went well. I've been worried about punk8 all day. My two started a new school this year. Both were nervous and so way mom, but I kept it hid as well. I did talk to hubby earlier and he said that 8 didn't say much when she got home and seemed pissed. Oh no!!! Now I will worry till I get home. My punk 12 was climbing trees "literally" this morning while waiting on the bus. Can we say nervous energy? Hopefully she didn't crash out during the day. She was worried about finding all her classes (7th grade) because she couldn't find a few at open house. I remember my first time having to change classes. It was a scary experience. And lets face it: Upperclassmen can be assholes!!!!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 4:02 PM 0 your breaks
what's it about? family, new beginnings, punks
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Busy, Busy Busy
Don't you just love the end of the month at work? Top that off with school starting back in a week and throw in dr. visits and you have a crazy busy week!!! So far this week I have been to three different dr. appointments. First up was hubby. Still having chest pains and shortness of breath. Doc is going to put a device in to record his heart if it drops below a certain # or above a certain #. Hopefully this will help and they can figure out what is going on!!! Next was myself to the Doc. Just a checkup, but I will be going in for an out-patient procedures in a couple of weeks as well. Female crap! Let's just say it's one step short of a hysterectomy. Finally eye visits for 2 of the punks. One checked out fine the other needs glasses! Plus, I have the shop to myself this week at work. Trying to get stuff out by end of the day. It sucks! So as I type I'm scarfing down my lunch. Next week schools starts back and I have lovely task of transferring punks from one school to another. I don't wanna do it but gas prices are forcing my hand. Also next week, I believe we have our first soccer meetings. I've about convinced myself that I was crazy for signing 2 up to play! Ok off to accomplish something, not sure what yet.
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 1:17 PM 1 your breaks
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
you gotta be kidding
I don't know who I thought I was kidding in my last post, I must be getting pretty good at lying to myself! HA! Overall I did manage to have my kitchen (at one time) clean, and threw away my damn coffee pot that quit working about a month ago! I also cleaned my bathroom completely, well ok I have vacuumed in there yet. Yes, my bathroom is carpeted, but that's another story. I also managed to get my sheets changed on my bed. I haven't tackled the mountain of clothes in my floor yet. Oh, and I unpacked Hubby's suitcase. Yep, it's been laying there since we return from MI. I did get a few good chuckles when he would get up during the night or morning and kick the damn thing!! My next plan is to tackle the bedroom. I also want to tackle our den (me and hubby disagree on the name of this room). The den is where clothes get thrown after coming out of the dryer. Sometimes folded others times not so much. It also houses my hubby's racing stuff. (I was nice there, I could have said racing shit!) And our old PC that doesn't work, a couple of old printers, a fax machine, a copier, and two filing cabinets. I so want to get in there and chuck about half of the crap! I'm gonna do it! Just not exactly sure when.
My house had been so damn hot. I live in the south, and the temps are anywhere between 90 and 100+ and add the humidity to that and it's miserable. Try living in that without any AC! Yes we were doing that. Did you catch that were part? We installed some AC units this weekend. YEAH!!! I slept a whole lot better. It does make it a little easier to clean now. Even though I still don't wanna do it!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 12:56 PM 0 your breaks
Monday, July 14, 2008
I've decided that no matter what I do or don't do, my house will never be clean. Sure it my be straightened, but man is it cluttered. I need to de-clutter and throw some shit away. That would go a long way in helping the rest of the house. I just have a problem throwing stuff away. Add to that we have no freaking place to store anything!!!! Ok we have 7 people living in a 3 bedroom/2 bath home. Each of the smaller bedrooms house 2 girls each. In one we have a set of bunk beds, a dresser, and a chest and a closet. The dresser and chest are packed to the breaking point with clothes, the closet is a haven for toy storage. And also under the bed have boxes for toy storage. The other bed room has 2 twin beds and two small chest and closet. Same story for that room only less toys because most are in the other room. Our bed room has our queen bed plus a toddler bed, 1 lg dresser and 1 small dresser, 1 entertainment stand, 2 night stands with 2 drawers each and 1 closet. All are packed. With the exception of the small dresser because I've been sooo lazy and haven't put the punky 3's clothes in there! Our bathroom does have some storage for towels and linens but not much. I really really need to do some purging. But honestly I'm so freaking overwhelmed I don't know where to start, or how. I suck at being domesticated. My dear hubby has put up with so much of this from me too. Or I should say me and my punks. They take after their mom. Sucks for them and me. I'm thinking about logging what I actually get accomplished once at home besides the normal cooking dinner and bathing punk 3 and all that standard stuff. I think the saying "A woman's work is never done" comes into play here. I can do it. I think I can, I think I can.... repeated over and over in my head. Please don't let me land on my face when I get home. Let me accomplish something. Start small and work up. Right?
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 4:10 PM 2 your breaks
what's it about? life, new beginnings, ramblings
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Back to normal?
We had a great vacation! Most of the punks did good. There were a few exceptions. I'm working on getting some pics together.
Now comes the adjustment of getting back to normal. If there is a normal that is. Some things are def. back, but that's a different story. Not really in the mood for details today.
Oh, did you hear that the price of oil has dropped over $10 in the past couple of days. Now when are the prices going to do down at the pumps? I were paying about $4.15 +/- on vacation, get back home and I loved paying the $3.87. Isn't that bad! How long before something changes? Do we all have to file bankruptcy? Come on!
Friday, June 27, 2008
The countdown has begun
In a little less than 8 hours we will be hitting the road!! Things have been crazy the past few day to say the least. We did cancel our trip yesterday, but ended up deciding to go ahead and go. It's just my family going. No one else is making the trip as planned. We may end up being bored out of our minds by the end of the trip. But like I told hubby, if we get ready and want to leave early we can! No other families to worry about. Just us. I'm a little nervous, but also a little excited. I am hoping and praying that the punks are on their best behavior! I can only hope. Please God, help me. Help me not kill any of my kiddos or hubby for that matter. Help me keep my sanity (or what's left of it), help my punks stay in line. Help us make it there and back safely. I just hope that everyone has a good time and enjoys themselves. I know that 3 has been saying that everyday is time to go camping. She's so excited about it. Wish us luck!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 10:32 AM 0 your breaks
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Relax those belts....
but keep them on for a few more hours!
Damn it, I'm about ready to just give the fuck up! Today has went to hell in a hand basket. That's about the only way to put it. Hubby is having chest pains again, but refuses to go to the dr. His dad had to go back to the dr. and so for now everything is up in the air again. But we should know in a couple of hours. HA HA!!! This is beginning to get on my last ever lovin nerve. Man I just feel in cusing like a sailor right now. Shit, damn, son of a bitch... Or maybe I just need a nice cold alocoholic beverage. Mmmmm....good!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 1:14 PM 0 your breaks
Please fasten your seat belts....
and place your seats in a upright position. We're headed for MI!!! Well not yet, but in just over 56 hours. All systems are go. Now I have to get everyone packed! I have punk 3 packed, and I think s16 is packed. Hmmm, s12 clothes were taken away and put in my room so she's almost/sorda packed. That leaves me, hubby, 12, and 8. And I hate packing. I know I'm going to forget something, something probably important. Oh well, we shall see what happens. Wish me luck and hopefully I come back with all 5 punks and hubby. I wonder if I can stay and send them back????
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 9:25 AM 0 your breaks
Monday, June 23, 2008
No MoRe TeXtInG
I think we're putting our foot down on texting. Not for me and hubby of course. For s16!! We have handled so much teenage drama this weekend. I've had enough!!
Imagine trying to make plans via text to spend the night:
Ok neither punk was with their appropriate parents. Parents were getting told this and that. (Actually parents had no freaking clue what was going on.) This started Sat. We thought it ended Sat. But nope! Started again Sunday. Ok so we have an extra kid suddenly. Ugh! Said child was supposed to go home the next morning, but neglacted to tell me when I asked. more texting more texting. Enuff!!! I know how to use the phone.
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 4:58 PM 0 your breaks
We're in a Holding Pattern
....and the brakes have been applied. As of right now, our vacation trip to MI is in the air. Hubby's father is in the hospital at this time. By tomorrow we should know something for sure. I'm on the fence on it all. I've had a feeling I haven't been able to shake concerning this trip. I think we still might go camping at a local place, or just go somewhere a few hours away instead of 12. I don't know. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.
Oh a good note, I finally got my "baby" home. After being gone for a week, 3 is back at home. Man I missed her. So for the first time in a long time, all 5 punks were home this weekend. And oh my God, what a freaking loud weekend it was. And the arguing/fighting, I've got to figure out where to apply for the referee pay. Sheesh. And mostly over stupid Barbie doll clothes/shoes. "Don't touch my stuff".... if I could coin that phrase I'd be a millionaire! But the worst part was it was s12 saying that to 3!!! Come on. Ugh! 8 has the bad habit of being a follower/pushover, so she got into some trouble too. And why can they learn that when your asked a question, just answer truthfully. Yeah you might get in trouble. But I guarantee it will be less than when you lie to our face!!! Needless to say 8 was put to bed early last night. Followed by 12 & s12 who started arguing and fighting. Then s17 & cousin 12 went to bed at eleven. Then s12 decided to start aggravating them. I need to invent something to keep them tied down in bed without getting me in trouble. Why can't they just go to bed and stay in bed like normal people. I don't need to hear all the bumps in the night! I'm starting to get sleep deprived over this!!!!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 10:51 AM 0 your breaks
Friday, June 20, 2008
Finally Friday
I don't think today could get here fast enough. One more week.... this time (well almost) next week we will be headed for vacation. I can't wait. I'm sooo looking forward to it, but at the same time dreading it because of freaking gas. Ugh! Maybe something will happen and prices will drop dramatically. Hey!, one can dream, can't she?!?! I'm just looking forward to a week free from the daily grind. No dragging my butt outta of bed to freaking early, no being here or there at a certain time. Hubby will probably have to bring me back kicking and screaming.
7 days and counting....
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 4:16 PM 0 your breaks
Thursday, June 19, 2008
One of these days I will decide on a blog layout that I like. I just can't seem to find one that fits. I've used another site before, but lost a lot of my widgets and stuff doing that. And I don't want to have to go through and put all that back in again. Can you tell that I don't know what I'm doing? Welcome to my life!!
And watch what you ask for..... Go read this blog and comments and you'll see. Me and my big mouth!!! Kadi is a excellent writer and tells it like it is. Honest truth about raising kids!!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 1:56 PM 0 your breaks
You Suck!!!
This is what I shouted at my phone this morning. Why because those assholes at verizon decided to shut my phone off after yes after I made the damn payment last Friday. The 13th to be exact. Yep it was posted so why. Now because of their shit we get to incur the damn $15 per line charge. And that adds up pretty quick when you have several lines. So let just say that:
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 9:29 AM 0 your breaks
what's it about? vents
Monday, June 16, 2008
Pushing Buttons
For this post to make any sense whatsoever you need to read this post first.
Ok I'll start with s12 first. Yes the questions were still thrown at me and hubby left and right. No matter how many times you give a response, if it's not the one she wants the question is coming back at ya later (or should I say rather soon). I'm getting to be pretty good at blowing it off, now hubby will get fed up sooner than I. I know all this is a big adjustment for her, coming for the previous living situation and all. But shit, it's been over 2 months with our rules, our house, or life style. You'd think something would have clicked just a little by now. AAAhhhhh.....I digress.
Ok now on to 16. Can you guess what happened?? Bet ya can! I get there to pick her up and lets just say I wasn't surprised! We get home and the shit hits the fan. I was doing very good letting hubby handle the situation then a nerve of mine got struck and I flew off the handle. Our house, our rules, we are the parents no one else!! And I don't care what so & so said. She apologized later and I told her that I couldn't do anything for her anymore and best thing to do it drop it and let it fall away for now. I did give her an example of what she should have done to show us respect and to be responsible. Maybe that will sink in. For the next few days both are gone visiting grandparents.
I haven't seen 12 in over a week now. She went on vacation with my parents and then to her dads and here and there. I take that back I did see her for about 2 minutes Friday. LOL She is supposed to come home tonight; but has already called to see if she can spend the night with Granny!! And 8 called wanting to say somewhere too! My kiddos don't wanna come home! 3 is also gone for a week visiting her aunt and cousins. I certainly don't mind a quite house, but dang I miss the little punks!!!!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 3:40 PM 1 your breaks
Friday, June 13, 2008
Ahhhhh... only a couple more hours to go then I'm off work!! Yea for me!
Feeling a little better today. Not a whole lot. And if your wondering, we had to deal with the punk 16's shit again last night. But it was sworn to us that the boy would not be there this weekend while she's there so I believe we are going to let her spend the night. If I find out any different, she'll figure out just what how mean I can be instead of dad! Who knows if it's a mistake or not, only time will tell. But at least I don't have to hear the moaning and groaning and deal with the attitude of her tonight. No tonight it will probably be s12!! Oh, also, I told you that during all this punk 3 was usually planning her attack. Yeah, you guessed it, she attacked last night like never before. Punk 8 will be carrying a nice size bruise on her forehead/temple. This is what happens when you are hit in the head with a wooden building block! Yeah punk 3 threw it at her and nailed her. Punk 8 had a pretty good size knot and it was already turning purple when she got to me. She got an ice pack and little miss terror got put in time out, then sent to bed. She kept saying "I wanna be nice" or "I be nice now". Broke my heart, but I had to tell her that I knew she did, but it was too late and she was in trouble. She did hug her sister several times and kept telling her "love you sissy and I sorry". The little stinker!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 3:39 PM 0 your breaks
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Party of 1, please!
You ever had those days that you just want to have a pity party? Well today is that day for me. I have no clue as to why. I just feel off today. A lot has happened in the past couple of days. Bad, worse, then worst about sums it up. I've had to drag myself out of bed. I've had to make myself do the things that mom's do like cook and bath for little one. I've had to make myself do anything. And yet here I am sitting at work on the net instead of tackling work that's laying in front of me. All the while I try my best to keep a happy face on for the world to see. I'm starting to despise my job. I don't want to do it. And most of the time it's one of the most laid back jobs one can have. Sure there's the stress of customers, jobs getting screwed up, equipment going down. But it's just something that can't be explained I guess, cause I sure as hell can't right now. I don't want to quit, I don't want to find another job. I just want some time off. Granted I was off on Tues but that word "worst" from earlier comes into play there.
But then we have the joy of dealing with punk16 who doesn't know when to let a subject lie dead for a day or two. Ever tried to explain to a 16 year old female what a 16/17 year old male thinks with? Especially a male that already has a child? And 16 can't figure out why she can't go and stay the day where he's at even though it's at a family members house. Sorry I'm not fueling the fire. I've been there done that and I know what can/will happen. But, but, but,... cry, cry, cry,... stomp, stomp, stomp... I hate you... DOOR SLAMS! Dad's tried to explain it in the daddy way, I've tried to explain it in the step mom/mom way, I've laid out the cold hard facts, I've listened to her spill, yadda yadda. And yes my dear friends, this has been ongoing off and on for a week now, but since Sunday night it's been EVERY DAMN NIGHT!!! Why can't it stop?
For just a day, I want to walk in and say shut-up now, don't ask period. Most days I don't even make it to the porch steps before questions start being thrown at my head, now not from just 16 this would be from punk s12 (step daughter who's 12, remember I have a punk who's 12 too) or punk 8 as well. I can fend them off, make it into the house, set things down, go to change clothes (it's soo hot!) and to the restroom then they must know I"m sitting down LOL because questions start flying again. By then I break and yell, "Not right now, I'll be there in a freaking minute" Yes, they have me saying freaking! All this time, punk 3 is planning her attack. We're never sure who it will be upon but believe me, it's coming!!
Maybe in a couple of weeks after vacation things will get better. But first we have to make it on that vacation. Ugh! So much shit to deal with.
Some days I just want to Fugetaboutit!!!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Hey Boo Boo, do I see a picnic basket?
I was asked in a previous post where we were going on vacation. Well by the title can't you tell? Jellystone Park in Michigan. I'm hoping the punks will have fun. But who am I kidding, trying to keep 5 punks from 3 yrs to 16 yrs happy? Does anyone have a xanax, lexapro, effexor, or just a big bottle of alcohol I can take with me? I know we will def. have our ups and downs. We went last year for a family visit and had a pretty good time. See here's proof: And no I didn't leave her buried in the sand. That might be an idea if they get out of line too much this time. Think anyone will notice?
It won't just be my family this year. We are meeting up with my father & mother in law, as well as my sister-in-law, and several cousins as well. They are "roughing it" in campers, while we are "roughing it" in a tent!!! I love tent camping though, something about being outdoors. We did a week long camp last year and had a good time. Well most of it was good, we did have one injury and one ambulance call, but that's another post. Just wishing and praying that this year will go off without a hitch and everyone enjoys their time away from home/work/life as we know it.
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 4:42 PM 0 your breaks
Monday, June 9, 2008
Shout Out
I would like to give a big shout out to:
Suburban Turmoil and This Full House for I have won from each of their contest/give-a-ways.
From Suburban Turmoil, I received cleaning supplies. Ok ok, it was toilet cleaners. But when you have 2 toilets and 7 people, you do what you gotta do. Granted I haven't used them yet, because I had just cleaned one of the damn things before I received my package. And two, I haven't gotten up the courage to tackle the punks bathroom yet. When I do, if someone spies an S.O.S, please send help and fast!!! I'm trying to talk hubby into letting me re-do the damn thing.
From This Full House, I won a $50 Target Gift Card! I have already told hubby hands off. I'm spending this on me. What could I possibly want? Besides two minutes in the foremention bathroom without interruptions? I'm getting me a new bathing suit! All my old ones (ones I've had for years) are two big. Yeah the top still fits, no change there. But my butt must have shrunk because they are baggy on me. Yes baggy as in they hang loose in areas they shouldn't! And I'm tired of the shorts I'm still wearing when I take my swimming stuff off! Funny huh? Well then see what you think of this!
ETA: If you notice the cuss-o-meter, I found it at This Full House. She's doing a wonderful fund raiser with it. GO CHECK IT OUT!!! NOW!!!!!!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 4:21 PM 3 your breaks
what's it about? experiences
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Let me have my say
Ever tried to have a discussion with someone, but you are unable to have a discussion because they won't shut the hell up? This just chaps my hide! I just want to say, "Listen, buddy, if you'd just close your damn air hole for a couple of minutes and listen it would be all good." Especially if you know that you have a valid point to make. But noooo, you can't do that. Even in the end when you would have been right it still bits you in the ass for trying to do just that. I would love to just say "nah nah boo boo, I was right, told ya so!!" Immature, yes very, but I really don' t care. One because I would just say most of that in my head. I think I have just about come to the conclusion that I'm not supposed to have an opinion or if I am it will be told to me. URGH!!!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 3:40 PM 2 your breaks
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
No lobster here!
Well the weekend shaped up pretty good. Not exactly like the plan, but good overall. Had one punk for the night and went boating until way after dark! Swam Sat and Sun. And like the title says, no I don't favor a lobster!! Even though I think I'm starting to favor a snake a little. My back decided to shed. Well it just better hurry up cause it may only be Tues., but the weekend is coming up! Today my oldest two punks leave for their trip w/ the g'parents. They are going to see 2 Braves baseball games and go to Stone Mountain. I wish I was going! But we still have our own countdown going on here... 24 days and counting!! I think next weekend the other two oldest are going to the other g'parents for the weekend. That just leaves the smallest punk going no where. That's alright though. She's a mommy's girl anyway, plus she got to go on the spur of the moment trip to the lake Friday.
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 1:14 PM 0 your breaks
Friday, May 30, 2008
Weekend plans
I usually don't make plans, because they have a way of getting screwed up. Well either that or the punks piss someone off and put everyone in a bad mood and dampens things a bit. But I think we actually "made plans" for the weekend. Nothing big. Saturday: morning maybe taking stuff the the landfill then off to the lake for swimming and boating. Sunday: Family reunion and then off to the lake for swimming and boating. See a pattern there? Hopefully I can come out of this weekend NOT favoring a lobster like last weekend. I would like to get a way for a while without the punks, but the likely hood of that happening is well not that good. But I can hope that everyone minds their P's and Q's. Whom I kidding, it will be balls to the wall like normal.
Oh!!, only (about) 28 days until vacation!!!!!!! Wanna go somewhere? Click here!
ETA: Only one punk left in the house for tonight(so far)!!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 1:41 PM 0 your breaks
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
It's summer time...
The time has finally arrived. It's time to drag out all the floats, water toys, beach towels and sunblock! Summer is here. Well not officially but close enough. Memorial day has come and went, thus kicking off "cookout season". We spent the day on the lake. We had a blast swimming and boating. The water was still a little chilly, but not too bad. At least it didn't leave the kiddos with purple lips. I, for one, seem to favor a lobster today. The burgers and dogs wasn't the only thing that got cooked yesterday. I made sure to slather sunscreen on the little miss ray, but mom didn't do so well with myself. One of these days I'll remember. Maybe next weekend when we go back out? Hopefully! We're on the count down to vacation. About 34 days to go! The only part I dread is the 1400 miles. Yes we're driving and gas prices are gonna kill us. But oh well, it's once a year. By the time next year is here we'll make up the difference.....
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 4:58 PM 1 your breaks
Friday, May 16, 2008
90 more minutes of torture....
LOL that doesn't sound quite right. How about 90 minutes till the weekend! Nah, like the first one better. Nothing is more boring that sitting here with nothing to do. Well I am blogging so I guess that's ok. I'll be glad when this week is over. I've had enough screw ups for one week. TGIF!!!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 3:33 PM 0 your breaks
pass or fail....FAIL
Ever had the feeling that you just can't get anything accomplished? No matter what you do, how hard you try, every trick you pull, nothing helps. Two steps forward, three steps back. Yeah, well that's where I am at right now. I sometimes just want to say screw it all, just through up my hands and yell I quit. I'm done that's it. Then I bang my head against the wall and knock some sense back into myself and start all over. "This to shall pass".... I try to keep telling myself that. But holy hell, it needs to speed the hell up. My house is a wreck, it looks like these storms have blown through my house. Yes I know with 5 punks it shouldn't look like that. But to my disadvantage, I have a hard time telling them to do this or that. Yes they should be doing some. But at the same time, I can't get it out of my head that I'm the mom and that's my job to do. Also, it's not done the way I would do it so I end up redoing it a lot of the times anyway. But I get so freaking frustrated that nothing gets done. I can say that the dishes are done. But walk around the corner and you will see the mountain of clothes strewn all over the floor that needs to be folded. I washed them, dried them, then threw them there and stopped. Yeah, I suck at this. Sure if I had all day to clean (without interruptions) it would get done. But by the next day it would all be undone. It's been proven. No one likes to keep cleaning on a daily basis. Everyone it too good for that. Just pick your shit up and that would help a lot. Sitting back and saying this room is a mess doesn't help. Saying I need to do this or that doesn't help. I feel like a failure as a wife and mom. I see the outcome of my actions, but for some reason have the inability to change it. Was it the way I was raised? Is it just me? Does my past have something to do with it? I dunno. I'll figure it out someday, just hopefully it's not a day late.
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 9:40 AM 0 your breaks
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Headed to the WNBA??
Could we have a star on our hands? Well it's too soon to tell. My dearest daughter is trying out for basketball at school. They have 10/11 spots to fill and about 20 girls. Hmmm... she's one of the younger ones so I don't know if that will help or hurt. She's also only play one "season" of bball. She got speed! She's short. She's can make the shot! Just not with her left hand. Yesterday was the second day of tryouts, and I heard the words I've been waiting to hear. "Mom, my legs and feet hurt. We had to do the "wall squats" without the wall." Yes!!! I'm not mean I promise. I have forewarned her about the workouts and she kept blowing me off.... hehehe. Mom was right!!! Of course she didn't say that. We shall find out at the end of the week if she makes the team.
Check out humor-blog for more stars!
Well to update... she didn't make the team . I feel so bad for the little punk. I could hear the disappointment in her voice. This was her first time to try out for a sport. There's always next year!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 12:02 PM 0 your breaks
what's it about? family
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Up is the only way to go
Don't know if you've noticed my little link for "Today in History" over in my side bar, but I saw this and couldn't help but laugh:
2004 - Crude oil prices hit a 13-year high of $40 a barrel at the New York Merchantile Exchange. Auto gasoline at the pump topped $2 a gallon by mid-month.
As of right now according to Bloomberg the current price is $122.07 per barrel. With the national average of gas at the pump being $3.619 .
According to studies, it's only going to keep going up! Why well one reason is of course no other than supply and demand. Apparently people in China and other countries decided to start buying cars and driving. Oh come on, now we are having to pay for them to catch up to our society. We will see a rise for the next couple of years then a plateau then slowing dropping. But don't ever expect to see a 1 in front of any price again!
I know a year ago we all were bitching and griping about 2 bucks and now we all are getting screwed. In my opinion we should start drilling here! Yes I know there are risks and dangers to the wildlife. But look at our economy. Soon the wildlife won't have to worry about anything because gas will be so damn high that nobody will be able to afford it so they won't be in harm. When about 1/2 a paycheck goes to cover gas, I think something needs to be done! We are seriously debating on canceling our summer vacation over this. I did an estimated guess earlier and figured we will spend over $300 on gas alone! That's more than our reservations cost. Ugh!!!!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 9:40 AM 0 your breaks
It's True!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 9:34 AM 0 your breaks
Monday, May 5, 2008
Trying to make a living....

Your five minute break provided by Jen at 1:53 PM 0 your breaks
Monday, April 28, 2008
I actually won something!!!
Granted it was a coupon for yogurt, but it's something my daughter loves!!!! It was through lifestyles bloggy giveaways, (http://www.supernannyrules.com/more-lifestyles-bloggy-giveaways/) and through the blog insidefatherhood.com But I WON!!!! (or would that be my dauther won?!)
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 3:08 PM 0 your breaks
what's it about? experiences, family, life
Friday, April 25, 2008
Happy Birthday
Yesterday my first born turned....... 12!!!! Where does the time go? I seems like just yesterday I was a scared out of my mind first time mom trying to figure out what to do with a wrinkly crying baby. And now I still feel like a first time mom when it comes to trying to figure out what to do with a freaking 'tween! You would think she's 16 not 12! Look up 'tude and you'll probably find her picture. But if you ask her she'd don't have an attitude. Yeah Right!!! I do feel like more is expected of her because she is the oldest and 'example setter' so I do try to cut her some slack. She's does very good in school. Well if you scratch out her two suspensions she's gotten this year. And she's still alive to tell about them!! Granted she didn't start them, but sheesh girl. Now I know where my gray hairs are coming from. She's very athletic and has recently had interest in soccer and basketball. She did very good for her first time playing either. Especially b-ball considering she was the only girl on the team. I kid her sometimes and tell her she's my boy I never had...LOL!
Happy Birthday baby girl. I love you so much!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 3:28 PM 1 your breaks
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Take This Job and ....
Cause I ain't working (t)here no more.....
Yippy!!! Granted I didn't say those exact words, but nevertheless I'm only working one job again!!!! Oh I'm so happy. I was off work Tues. night, called in last night and it was so wonderful being at home with the family. I can't wait to tell my girls. Their on spring break this week so they have been staying here there and everywhere. I just want to scream "I Quit" from the roof tops.
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 12:31 PM 1 your breaks
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
That, my friends, is the number of tickets wrote in the "Taking back our highways 50/4" campaign. Here's a breakdown of some of them:
- 1254 for speeding
- 18 driving under the influence
- 847 no seatblets or child restraints
- 53 following too close
- 21 improper lane change
- 681 no insurance
- 237 drivers without license
There were also 63 non-traffic arrest made. These could have been for warrents. Acutal reasoning was not specified.
Luckly, sign of relief, I was not one of the above statistics and neither was my hubby. I did see my share of states along the roadways. I also saw plently of traffic stops along the way too. I actually did hear of a guy getting a ticket for doing 56 in a 55! Oy! A lot were given out around schools zones also. A few that I've heard about I'd be one to argue it and probably get myself in more trouble.
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 10:15 AM 1 your breaks
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Oh Shit!!!
"Take Back Our Highways 50-4"
I understand that doesn't mean anything to anyone but let me explain. Here in my little down we are ranked 2nd or 3rd in the state for the most fatal wrecks. Not something to be proud of I understand. So now our beloved State Troopers are having another campaign where they bring in about 50 extra troopers and crack down on speeders and whatnot, setting up check-points and all that jazz. This last for4 days. Here in lies the Oh Shit!!! Why, well honestly, I'm a speed demon at times. Well if speed demon means about 5 mph over the posted limit, sometimes 10 mph over on the interstate. Now I don't speed in school zones or downtown, but I tend to go a little fast on the interstate or long stright rural roads. And guess what area they are focusing on... rural roads. They are saying they will pull you over for 1 mph over. Shit, shit shit!! I think my speed thingy is off a couple of mph anyway. Hmmmm.... I think I'll keep my fingers crossed and my damn foot off the pedal!!! I'm already paying on a couple of tickets my dear sweet hubby went and got! Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it. :(
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 4:32 PM 1 your breaks
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Another year older

Your five minute break provided by Jen at 2:20 PM 1 your breaks
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Is this really necessary?
Yes this was actually posted in a restroom at a hospital. I mean if you are 500 lbs. I don't think your gonna fit into the stall that this sign accompanied! But I guess stranger things have happened!
Want to see more funny signs? Head over to www.humor-blogs.com and check them out.
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 2:00 PM 1 your breaks
what's it about? funny
Monday, April 7, 2008
Runaway Train
Well we are now a family of 7. The punks are enrolled in school. Now we have 2 different schools to deal with for now. Long story on that part. Now to work on the insurance part of the whole ordeal, especially with oldest being diabetic.
Can I just say that I'm soooo overwhelmed? Well I am. I don't know what to do or where to turn next. Between the changes, health issues, and family (in-laws) I don't know which end is up anymore. And for some unknowingly reason I just have this eerie feeling that there's more unsettling things ahead of me. What is it? Hell if I know. There's a number of things it could possibly be. Do I want to list them, no not really. Wouldn't want to "jinks" myself. I just can't shake this sinking feeling that I've got. Can't really explain it to anyone either. Urgh!!! I've never been one to run from things. But right now I really just want to run. I want to run from everything! I want to quit my jobs. I don't want any responsibility for anyone. I want to run far far away and hide. I just want to be left alone. Or just scream my head off. WHY???? I wish I knew why. Can't blame it on anything at the home front. It's all good there. It's probably just me being screwy as always. Just looking for answers to the endless questions, and for some reason the answers never come. And when they do it's always too little too late. It's one of those I wish I known then what I know now type of situations that I always seem to find my self in. Oh well, that's life isn't it!!!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 12:54 PM 3 your breaks
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Look what I did
Yes I got my belly button picered. And yes it hurt like hell. Why? Well the needle and the post were two different sizes. Unfortunately it was the post that was larger. So needless to say, it had to be forced through! I'm happy with it. It was worth it. My two oldest daughters were with me for the experience. I'm still not exactly sure of what they were thinking, but I did get "That was cool!" Well at least I can say that at one moment in my tween daughters life I did something cool. Who knows when the next time that will ever happen?
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 2:30 PM 1 your breaks
what's it about? experiences, family, life
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Not exactly what I meant
When I decided on the "Just Gimme Five" name for this blog, in my head I was meaning, of course, something along the lines of a five minute break. Well I guess things happen for a reason, because as of tonight, around 10:30 to be exactly, I will have a total of five punks in my care. Yes you read that right, five. I guess sometime or another I will have to come up with names for them for the purpose of griping talking about them here. It will probably be something creative like punk 1, punk 2, or could be thing 1, thing 2. Yeah creative right? Oh Lord help me!!! Honestly, between you and me, how am I gonna handle it?? 16, 12, 12, 8, and almost 4 are their ages, and of course all girls. My poor hubby, bull, poor me!!
Speaking of hubby, he's been given me handfuls to deal with too. Last week he went into the hospital because of possible heart attack. Well luckily no heart attack. He was ekg'ed, blood draws a million and one times, pressure checks, and had an arteriogram(sp?) done. Found out today doc is worried still and is gonna put a "loop" in to monitor things. Ugh! So we have his health problems, and 16 is type 1 diabetic, so we have to get her straightened out. To put it nicely her environment wasn't the best so there's a lot to straighten. Re-read the post about the stupid tattoo!
In other family news, my sister-in-law had her 7th child last week as well. A healthy baby boy!! But of course all good news come with bad, her 4 born child was also diagnosed as type 1 diabetic and is still currently in the hospital. GET WELL SOON B!!!
How much more can a person handle? The good, the bad, the ugly. I would like to place my order now for more good!! And more patience, a lot more patience.
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 12:46 PM 1 your breaks
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Fucking, Austria

Your five minute break provided by Jen at 10:26 AM 1 your breaks
what's it about? funny
Friday, March 7, 2008
I think I can count on one hand the number of times that we have actually had any snow (that amounts to anything) in the past oh 5 years. But yet, every winter when that four letter word is mentioned, people around here go crazy. Stock up on bread and milk!!! Why bread and milk? I'd rather have a lot of different things. If I was to get stuck in the house due to snow, I'd probably have to have a big bottle of alcohol to get me through it. Yeah, stock up on alcohol and smokes!! Now if it's going to be this cold, I want it to snow. Just a dusting, well that's just a tease. I'm talking a lot of snow. But unfortunately that just don't happen here. Hopefully I'll be able to post some pics of the snow. I know that the little one would love to play in it.
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 2:25 PM 1 your breaks
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Do I have STUPID tattooed on my forehead???
Of all the tats I have, which is 3 by the way, I sure don't remember getting that tattooed there!!
Ok, a little background. Gonna be a long one....
Hubby and I have both been hitched before. We have dealt with some crazy ex-wife things. And at this time I would like to give his EX the "Most Creative, lame excuse giving, lazy, crazy Person" award. They do make those right?? Anyways, at one time she and I both worked for the same company, but in different states, (AZ and AL). She ended up getting fired. Somehow in her twisted little world it had something to do with me. Hmm... Some guy from here flew out there to investigate and interview her. Yeah ok! MY name was brought up sever times. Sure it was. In the long run, she was fired. I'm truly sorry, but grow up!
Ok a little common sense here. If there was an investigation concerning me, I do believe that I would have been contacted also. But no, I have been evaluated and given a raise. The only thing that has been brought to my attention is the fact that I'm at my max days absent Opps!
So, in my opinion, She Screwed UP!!!! She abused company policy in some fashion. And somewhere in that mind of hers it was because of me. Well if it make her feel better, and lets her sleep at night, honey you have my best wishes and you can run with that story all you want. But I k now to you I'm evil, wicked, mean and a royal bitch and I'm out to get her. But someone needs to get off whatever it is that there on. Because you know something.... I could care less what she does!!!!! Well as long as it doesn't concern me.
Ok I'm going to to take five now!!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 10:37 AM 0 your breaks
Thursday, February 28, 2008
One day at a time
Can we ever really take on day at a time? I really don't believe that it's possible. No matter how hard we try something always happens and we find ourselves looking to the past or maybe even the future trying to find the answers.
For some reason it's not one day at a time for me. I feel like it's several days that hit me at once. Then where do you go for answers? I'm still working on that one. I wish there was a magic answer, and there probably is. But how to find it, is it resting at the end of the rainbow, is it hiding where all those mysterious socks disappear to, or maybe it's lurking in the shadows? All in all it's actually probably staring you right in the eyes, in plain sight all long. Just waiting for the right time to let itself be know. Well I don't want to wait for that. I want the damn thing to jump up and down saying here I am you idiot!!!!
.... Deep Breath ...
Ok, better now. I think I really should just take one day at a time. I need to make it happen some way some how.
I'll take that five now!!!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 1:00 PM 2 your breaks
what's it about? ramblings
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
New Beginnings
Having failed miserably trying to keep up with a blog before, I am trying yet again. Will I post everyday now? That will be a no! I'm no where near being interesting enough to have something to blog about daily. I do not have the creativity to elaborate as well as a lot of bloggers do. My life is (most of the time) routine. Work, work, home. That about sums it up. Of course, at home there's always something going on with the girls or hubby. Now don't get me wrong I can ramble about nothing and make you scratch your head and wonder WTH was she talking about because of moving far far off the orginial subject. Well we shall see how it goes. Hopefully not up in flames!
Your five minute break provided by Jen at 10:49 AM 1 your breaks
what's it about? new beginnings